Site Policy


While we pay close attention to the information and materials posted on this site, we do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, safety, or any other aspect of the content provided. We may suspend or discontinue the operation of this site without notice, and we may change or delete the posted content without prior notice.

Use and browsing of this site are at the user's own risk (self-responsibility). The foundation and related parties involved in the creation and distribution of this site bear no responsibility whatsoever for any damages (including damages to computers or network systems, whether direct or indirect) or the costs of repairs incurred due to access or use of this site or its content, regardless of the reason.

Copyrights and Trademarks

The rights related to trade names, trademarks, and symbols posted on this site are protected by the Trademark Act, the Unfair Competition Prevention Act, and other laws. These cannot be used without the permission of the foundation or the foundation group companies. Additionally, documents, photographs, charts, etc., on this site are protected by copyrights and other rights held by the foundation, the foundation group companies, and third parties. Unauthorized use or reproduction of the content on this site is prohibited.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Unless otherwise specified, the use of this site and the operation of these terms are governed by the laws of Japan. All disputes related to this site shall, unless otherwise specified, be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

Linking to this Site

When linking to this site, please be aware of the following:

  • You cannot use the logos of the foundation or the foundation group companies to create a link.
  • Links from the following types of websites are strictly prohibited:
    • Sites containing content that defames, slanders, or threatens the foundation, the foundation group companies, or other companies, individuals, or organizations.
    • Sites containing content that may cause disadvantages or damage to the foundation, the foundation group companies, or other companies, individuals, or organizations.
    • Sites that may cause misunderstandings to third parties, such as making it unclear that it is this site.
    • Sites containing content that is against public order and morals.
    • Sites engaging in or potentially engaging in illegal activities.
    • Sites containing illegal or potentially illegal content.
  • We bear no responsibility for the content of third-party websites linked to this site or their use. The fact that this site links to a third-party site does not imply that the foundation has a special relationship with the operating company of that site or that we recommend the content of that site.

Prohibited Acts

When using this website, the following acts are prohibited:

  • Acts that infringe or may infringe on the property or privacy of third parties or the foundation.
  • Acts that cause or may cause disadvantage or damage to third parties or the foundation.
  • Acts that are or may be against public order and morals.
  • Acts that are or may be criminal or lead to criminal acts.
  • Acts of false declaration or notification, such as registering someone else's email address.
  • Acts related to business activities or profit-making purposes, or acts intended for preparation for such activities.
  • Acts that damage the honor or credibility of third parties or the foundation.
  • Acts of using or providing harmful programs such as computer viruses or acts that may lead to such activities.
  • Other acts that violate or may violate laws, regulations, or ordinances.
  • Other acts that the foundation deems inappropriate.