TRIAD is a complex of three buildings: the gallery building "IIDA-KAN," which exhibits and houses the collections of Yoshikuni Iida; the research building "I・K KAN," where Harmonic Drive Systems Inc., a precision reducer and control manufacturer, conducts prototypes and research; and a "Guardhouse" that ensures high security. The renowned architect Fumihiko Maki, founder of Maki and Associates, who was in charge of design and supervision, named it "TRIAD",a term meaning "group of three," and also "triad chord" in music—with the intention of "establishing a harmonic dialogue both formally and spatially between each of them," despite their completely different functions and scales in art, technology, and security.

"TRIAD" has been highly praised for itsbeautiful architectural design while maintaining practicality.

Gallery building that houses and exhibits the works of Yoshikuni Iida.

Research building where Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. conducts prototypes and research to pursue high ideals and high precision.

Guardhouse that provides 24-hour security for TRIAD and the adjacent Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. Hotaka Factory.